A dedication to Mike from his best friend Ben David, Panama to Rio, Claro Costa Rica!
Mike{s best friend Ben donated $50 to help support children living in poverty in Central America. Thanks for the donation Ben!
Its kind of ironic that my first day on the bike alone was also the dedicated day to Mike. Mike being the good guy that he is didn't want to ride on a day for him. I asked Mike about his buddy Ben. Mike told me about his speech at Ben's wedding. Mike told a story from there childhood. Apparently Ben sat behind Mike in science class. The teacher asked the class who knows the speed of light, Ben, being the smart guy that he is was quick with an answer. Mike said to himself, [damn...I want that guy as my lab partner.] Since then they have been best friends.
I had a moment on the road that Id like to share. Theres this stretch of road that has all these banana plantations along it. The trees look super old and it makes for a scenic route along the way. As I was grabbing some water I noticed this amazing hawk in the distance sitting on a branch watching me. The hawk had a flat head and these black markings along its eyes. It looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger with shades on. It was just chilling there checking me out. Making sure I wasn't getting into any trouble. Kinda like a best friend watches over you from time to time. Anyway...It was a cool moment. Hopefully Ill see the hawk again.
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