We've been putting sometime into the flyers these past few weeks. And were proud to get the final product out there.
So Mike has been on my butt these past few weeks to get a flyer produced. He's absolutly right when he tells me that the flyers are key to marketing the event. So many times these past few weeks I wished I had the flyers on me to promote the event. I meet people all the time and usually the conversation turns into..."so..what do you do..." and that's when I usually turn the conversation to Plan, the bike trip and the upcoming photo exhibit.
So I finally got on the ball and I contacted my good buddy Devin Gumm. A few weeks back we were texting and emailing back and forth about the flyers. It was one of the conversations that were full of ideas and "times to meet" but we never put a date to it. Its one of the situations where the meeting between Devin and I would never happen unless we set a firm date.
So Devin calls me about 2 sunday's ago and he is headed to The Park Chalet. The Park Chalet is this cool restaurant and bar in Golden Gate Park. It was a beautiful sunday afternoon and those a re the best times to head to Golden Gate Park. So, kinda on a whim, I decided to drag myself from Oakland to San Francisco to meet up and get some food and a few drinks. On the way out there I called our friend Blake to see if he wanted to kick it as well. So I got Blake, he lives close to Golden Gate Park, and we headed out. This particular Sunday was awesome...the weather was perfect. At PC it was Devin, myself, Blake, Candice (Devin's girlfriend) and Candice's brother and his girlfriend. It was a great time to catch up and kick it.
Eventually we all decided to head back to Devin's place to work on the flyer. It was a perfect opportunity. So Blake, Devin, Candice and I headed back to Devin and Candice's place. It was a great opportunity to get everyone tgether to work on a flyer. Both Blake and Candice have also helped out with this event. Candice a few months back also threw a one day bake sell at the school where she teaches and Blake has been my IT Guru for the 7 Views project. So getting everyone together was a perfect opportunity.
So after a few hours of brainstoming on the flyer and munching on some bomb ribs from Candice's brothers BBQ early that day and Devin doing his magic we came up with this flyer...

It was all a brainstorm and I felt that this image would be a powerful picture. On top of that I had written down a Barack Obama quote the day before. We thought it would be an attention grabbing picture and powerful quote. I felt that it was going in a good direction and everyone else agreed.
So...before Devin put to much time into the flyer I wanted to get a few second opinions. I sent it to Mike and he hated it! hahaahah! Thanks for the honesty Mike...I really appreciate it and I of course value your thought. He didn't like the image, he thought it wasn't properly communicating what we were trying to do plus he didn't like the font. He came up with a great idea to use the last flyer (from the event in April) as a precedent for this flyer. That way we could use the same font and "feel" because we are trying to brand an image. Great suggestion!
I also showed this image to my friend Reggie and Rachelle. They didn't like it as well. They have been a huge support for me lately for this event and beyond. They didn't like the image because it was depressing...and it is! I like to think that its more persuasive than depressing. They suggested something more positive. Rachelle said something like "this entire Last Hill event is about positivity"! Great call Rachelle...that it is! I showed them the image of this guy and we all agreed that we should use this image.
Sorry Devin...back to the drawing board. Devin is a total professional and he has put a lot of time and effort into the last flyer and now he has to start over. So...Devin came up with this new flyer. At first we were going to use the actual iage of the kid. In the original picture he was holding his mom's hand and there people in the background. He said that original picture was too busy so he imposed the image of the kid on a different picture that I gave hime.
He finally finished the flyer and put some text on it. He wrote me an email and attached the picture and said something like "this is PIMP and you know it"!
Hell ya...that looks way better.
So I showed the different, new and imporved picture to a few different people including Mike, Reggie, Rachelle, my mom, sister and cousin who is an artist. They all loved it..BUT...
We loved the image BUT the font and words were all worng. Almost there Devin...sorry buddy we need to make another change. I think by this point Devin was/is getting a bit irratated...sorry buddy!
Finally we got the words right. Cleaned it up and added the Plan USA logo and yes devin this flyer is PIMP and I know it. I'll be super proud to hand this flyer out to people and to slap it all over San Francisco. We have about 7 weeks until the event and were getting excited!
So now we just need to finalize the back of the flyer and get a logo from 111 Minna. 111 Minna has been a bit slow to get back to me so maybe well have to do without their image. Sucks for them really because were promoting their venue for free!
Thanks for ll the help, suggestions and input everyone! This flyer is positive, professional and flashy! Its perfect!
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