I'm sitting here in my new favorite cafe, Ritual Coffee Roasters, in one of San Francisco's coolest neighborhoods...The Mission. My triple cappuccino has just arrived. This place sure does know how to serve the best looking drinks in town. This place is one of those coffee shops where everyone has an IBook (there probably all blogging right now) and everyone is probably a bike messenger. God...I love San Francisco's style.
I just picked up one of San Francisco's free publications, The San Francisco Bay Guardian. The cover picture is a group of eccentric cyclists biking through one of the city's streets. Its kind of ironic that the title of this particular paper is "The year of the Bicycle" because I actually got the paper to get some ideas about a fundraising event.
Its kind of a big day today because I put into motion the last (hopefully) fundraiser for The Last Hill Before Home project. The plan is to do a one day bike ride to raise the remaining $4,000 for the school construction project in Jalapa, Guatemala. The idea is to get around 50 or 60 people to register for a leisure one day bike ride in the San Francisco Bay Area. It will probably cost around 75 bucks to register. Were going to try to get some sponsors for this as well. On top of that we hope to get some media coverage. Hopefully, if all goes well, we will be able to raise the remaining funds for the school.
There is a ton of work to do but its all very exciting.
I called Rob, Scott and of course my main man Mike about the project. All the guys are super pumped and we even came up with a tentative route for the event and a date. I got a ton of ideas for this thing and I want to make sure it goes well. Its all very exciting!
Save the date...Saturday, July 25th. Gets those bikes tuned up people. Let's build a school!
More info to follow!
Peace, Power and Pedal
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
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you need new glasses haha
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