Friday, July 10, 2009

7 Views photo exhibit...our latest addition

Photos courtesy of Joshua Rapp

We got another photographer lined up for our 7 Views event in September!
Joshua Rapp, Black and White photographer, has submitted his pictures for the event at 111 Minna event in Spetember and we are very excited to show off a few of them here! Josh specializes in black and white photos. His great eye for composition tells a unique story about the wold that we live in today. Josh a meteorologist for the US Air Force has spent time abroad in Korea and Germany. His experience living abroad is evident in his dramatic work.
Josh, my cousin, and I did some travelling in Germany, Czech republic and Slovakia back in the spring of 2008. Josh was living in Germany at the time and we were lucky enough to catch up and hang out. The time was filled walking his cool dog, Adonis, in Munich's main park our sharing a few laughs in the beer halls of Bratislava. Were super excited to bring him on board for this amazing event and his B&W pics are going t be the perfect addition!
Josh actually was the one to introduce me to Plan USA. Back in November of 2008 when I was living in Santiago de Chile I started to research non profits to do this entire fundraiser for. I found a few groups like Save The Children and CARE. Right at the time that I was researching these groups Josh sent me an email telling me about Plan and how he was sponsoring a child through the organization. I got right on Plan's webpage and ever sense then I have been a strong advocate for Plan and their mission.
The 7 Views international photography exhibit is a one day special event that is benefiting the school construction project in Jalapa, Guatemala. Check the link below for more information about the event!
Tell your friends!
Peace, Power and Pedal

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